Six months…

This week marked Milne’s six month birthday…we bought a book to celebrate.  The past six months have been wonderful, getting to know and learning to care for our wee one has been the most amazing and rewarding experience.

During my pregnancy the reality of actually having a real, live baby just didn’t hit me and nothing could have prepared me for the most magical time.  

There have been; sleepless nights, hundreds of nappies, lots of shouting about new teeth and a million loads of washing but there has also been; a first smile, so many afternoons cuddled up together, books read and funny faces pulled, yoga mornings, a first roll over, learning to sit up unaided and playing with ALL the toys, meeting great-grandparents, uncles and aunts, coffee dates, first foods and visits from Grandma, Granny, Grandpa and Grandad, cuddling in bed with Auntie Lithy, Grandma changing nappies at the park, falling asleep listening to music with Grandpa and her first day in the office with Granny, Grandad and Uncle Jamie, Playing “wolfie” with Uncle Tomie, countless video calls with Auntie Olive Pin Pen and Uncle Tomie and sleeping through the busiest family breakfast in Kirsty’s arms, baths in the sink, baths with mum and baths with dad,  there has been long car journeys to IKEA singing the soundtrack to Grease, Skype calls with great-granny every Sunday, even getting out her of her first Escape Room with Jilly, Amy and David, the first Halloween, Christmas, New Year and Pancake day and so many more wonderful moments.  

Nothing could have prepared me for a heart so full for Milne.

Here is to the next six months with our little one.



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